March 15, 2011


Since about last June, Lucas and I have been working on totally remodeling a room in his parents house, our new bedroom to be exact...

First I'll have to tell you about this house.  It's over 100 years old and all the walls are plaster and lathe.  It's old enough that they didn't use asbestos, but instead used horsehair to help the plaster bond to the walls.

The room itself had Monet style watercolor wallpaper which had definitely seen better years.

The electric was the old, original stuff and we found out that the entire upstairs ran on one breaker... not so great.

When we tore down one of the walls we found a bit of a surprise...

Yep, that's exactly what you think it is.  No, there wasn't anything living in it.

Currently we have all new electric, all new sheetrock, and all the walls have been painted!  I'm not going to post any pictures of it until it's totally done but I'm super excited we're getting there.  We did all the steps ourselves with a little help from Luke's Dad and a Family Friend (for the taping). 

We're re-purposing and building a lot of our own stuff for the room so I'll do another post on that soon!  For now I'm anticipating our (first ever) trip to IKEA and I am BEYOND thrilled!!